Financial tools & assistance

At Heartland, we understand that taking out a reverse mortgage can be a big decision. Here are some financial tools that may help you in making a decision.

Equity projection
When considering whether a reverse mortgage is right for you, it’s important to think about the amount of money you’ll need both now and in the future.

Use the MoneySmart calculator to see how a reverse mortgage changes the equity in your home over time.  

The calculator illustrates:
  • How much your loan increases over time and what this means for the remaining equity in your home.
  • How changes in interest rates and house prices could affect the equity in your home.

Seeing how a reverse mortgage changes the equity in your home over time will help you understand whether the remaining equity may meet your future needs. 

MoneySmart Calculator
Government tools and resources
The Department of Human Services Ageing website provides information on payments and services for people retiring or accessing aged care.

The Australian Government’s My Aged Care website provides information on aged care.  
Utility bills
If you’re struggling to pay your bills, the following options could be available.  
  • Contact your provider
    Many companies have hardship procedures in place to support their customers. Reach out to them to see how they could assist you, such as switching you to an instalment plan, smoothing out your bill payments, or issuing you with a voucher.  
  • Check out the MoneySmart website 
    The MoneySmart website provides some simple steps on how manage your bill payments, including where to get help in applying for a utility rebate or voucher. 
If you receive a Centrelink payment, you could use Centrepay to allocate a portion of your payment towards utility and other bills. You find out more about Centrepay here.
Bereavement payments
Losing your partner changes your life. Though money matters may seem unimportant, it’s important to take steps to help prepare for the future. Provided you meet certain criteria, bereavement services may be available through the Department of Human Services.

Depending on your circumstances, this could include:
  • an allowance payable after your partner’s death
  • a pension bonus bereavement payment 
  • a widow allowance, or 
  • other payment and support services. 
Contact Centrelink to find out more on 132 300.
Financial counselling 
ASIC offers a free National Debt Hotline, available 9.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday.

Financial counsellors can manage financial difficulties by: 
  • assisting with budgeting and government entitlements 
  • negotiating with debtors on your behalf, or  
  • referring you to other specialist service providers. 
You can reach the National Debit Helpline by calling 1800 007 007.
Our hardship procedures 
We have a range of hardship procedures in place. If you’re an existing customer and are having difficulty meeting your loan obligations, contact us on 1300 889 338 between 8.30am – 4.30pm, Monday to Friday.  

Get in touch

If you'd like to find out more about a Heartland Bank Reverse Mortgage, request a guide or call us on 1300 889 338.

Contact us