Board of Directors
Lyn McGrath was appointed Chair of the Australian Digital Heath Agency in September 2023, where she had been a Non-Executive Director since April 2016. She has also been a Non-Executive Director of Credit Corp since January 2023. Lyn was Executive General Manager Retail and Executive General Manager Wealth Advice at Commonwealth Bank and Group Executive, Retail Banking at Bank of Queensland. Previously a Non-Executive Director at Challenger Bank Limited, which was acquired by Heartland in April 2024 and subsequently renamed to Heartland Bank, Lyn will continue in her role as an Independent Non-Executive Director at Heartland Bank in Australia. Lyn brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to Heartland, gained from managing businesses in highly regulated and complex ASX 100 organisations.
Geoff Summerhayes
Chair and Independent Non-Executive Director
Shane Buggle
Independent Non-Executive Director
Lyn McGrath
Independent Non-Executive Director
Vivienne Yu
Independent Non-Executive Director
Bruce Irvine
Independent Non-Executive Director
Leanne Lazarus
Non-Independent Non-Executive Director